Plastic surgeon
Franck Floch

Dr Franck Floch is an experienced dentist, renowned for his in-depth expertise and human approach. With many years of practice behind him, he offers his patients tailor-made care, combining precision and excellence.
<p>With a double degree in Odontology (doctorate 1995) and Science (Master’s, then Master’s in Research 1996), Doctor Floch was a University Hospital Assistant, then a Consultant at Brest University Hospital.</p>
<p>Wishing to develop his own practice, he set up in 2001, and has been fully dedicated to it since 2003, developing his activity around the disciplines that have always been of greatest interest to him: endodontics, followed by periodontology, oral surgery and implantology.</p>
<p>He approaches his profession with the rigor inherited from his training. In 2012, as part of a family project, he decided to move to Switzerland. </p>
<p>In 2016, Dr Floch joined Laclinic alongside its founder, Dr Michel Pfulg, sharing with him a holistic vision of beauty and a common commitment to excellence and patient well-being.</p>
"The function creates the organ, and then the aesthetics come naturally."
Franck Floch
<p>Dr. Floch distinguishes himself by his attentive listening and tailor-made approach, ensuring that each patient receives the care best suited to his or her needs. He is a member of the Swiss Society of Dentists (SSO), the International Team for Implantology (ITI) and the Société Française d’Endodontie (SFE). </p>
Other team members
Raquel Lima
Estelle Lambert
Beauty Expert
Clara Frias
Dental assistant
Dr. Jean Blanchard
Anesthesia and anti-aging medicine
Irène Brüsch
Beauty Expert
Dr Claudie Rigoulot
Aesthetic Doctor
Dr Laurent Smeets
Plastic surgeon
Dr Julien Brilmaker
Plastic surgeon
Dr. Romain Leger
Aesthetic Doctor